Class assembly + field trip = Fun day!

As I got ready for bed I was really excited “Tomorrow is the field trip to the mall Riyadh Gallery, plus our assembly. “ I told myself “What a day it is going to be!”

As my school bus is always late and my Dad could not drop me at school today I went with Nichiket and Niharika. As we reached our school I got out and thanked uncle Sunil and ran to my classroom.

Some of my classmates had already reached there. After settling down we made a dash to the playground while two girls went to the staffroom to call our class teacher.

Our class teacher came as we stood on our places on the stage. I and a few of my classmates were for a friendship song.

Soon as the assembly was about to finish Zainab the comparer said “Now I would like to call upon the DPS choir for the Saudi National Anthem followed by the Indian National anthem.“  I hopped down the stage and joined the choir. “AAchoooo!” A loud sneeze from outside the gate made us all giggle, I could hardly keep a straight face during the anthem. 

We went then back to the class. “That sneeze was tremendous” I chuckled “I almost died!” Lynn threw her head back and laughed. Then our class teacher entered the class. We put on our bags. “Wait! It’s not the time yet! ” said our class teacher. We groaned.

Enough of what happened at the class! I will continue from when we walked towards the bus.

My partner was Lynn. Ten of my classmates and me climbed into a bus along with Amita Ma’am and the whole class of 5B.

It was lots of fun in the bus. We all enjoyed a lot. As we reached Riyadh gallery all of us started to scream.

I will continue the rest tomorrow. 


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