Eye infection

“Owww..!!” I moaned. I pressed my forehead to the cool wall. “What happened?” Mom asked, taking the school bag off my shoulders.  “I got a headache” I said feeling very hot “it’s been a very hot day.”

“Well, after taking food go to sleep immediately. It will soothe you.” And that I did. But in the night my eyes started watering while I was reading a book. Now I was feeling uneasy, I was sure something had happened to my right eye. 

When we were sleeping, I was getting nightmares every now and then. When I woke up with a start, I felt something strange. I could not open my right eye. And even if I could open my left one everything in front of me seemed really strange. Like, as if there was light fog. It felt like somebody had stuck my eyelashes together with superglue. I was scared to death that if I wouldn’t pull eyelids open then it would stay like that.

In the morning Mom woke me up. I was feeling hot and uncomfortable. Then I noticed I could not open my eyes, how much ever I tried. Mom took me to the bathroom and started cleaning my eyes. She wiped away the rheum.

Mom started writing a note in my school diary that I had eye infection which was true. It was only later when Dad discovered that she had written “Dear Janaki” instead of “Dear Teacher”.

I had to go school because there was science test that day. Mom and Dad had to pick me up after the test at the school office.

We went to the doctor and drove to Wooden Bakery restaurant to have some food. The food was very tasty. I had lemonade and it tasted great. We had a pizza too and each of us took three slices. 

This is the happiest part of having eye infection and the worst part is to copy your school notes which you have missed that day.


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