Agra Visit

The next day, we woke up early. We went down to have breakfast. I loved the breakfast. I had cornflakes, bread-and-butter, and tea. I decided to have that kind of breakfast every morning.

I have read about the kind of tasty food English people have like bacon, cake etc. I think they are people with good luck.

All my relatives were at the guest house. Soon we all were ready. We had a bus to pick us up.

We were going to see the Agra fort and Taj Mahal that day. All of us thought of going to see the Taj Mahal first, but some ministers were there. So the Taj Mahal was shut down for a while.

From Delhi we had to pass Haryana and then come into Uttar Pradesh to go to Agra.  

Balaji Ammavan had hired a guide for us. It was very kind of him. The guide uncle explained everything nicely. We understood every word.

The fort was beautiful. The carvings of the red sandstone were especially pretty. We saw the chair were Birbal used to sit. It was white in color, just opposite to that was Akbar’s chair and it was black. I sat on Birbal’s chair.

After sometime we heard the Taj Mahal was open again. So we left for it. It was a disaster. Just when we were standing in the long Q, it started raining.

I warn that whoever goes to the Taj Mahal must check the weather report before they do so. 


  1. Hi Janu ,

    Great ! Funtastic !
    Congratulations ! and Keep it up .

    Deepak (Satheesh)

  2. Like your blog it's good hope you enjoyed your trip of Agra...


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