Trip to Al Hokair Land


Screams filled the air as the “Hollywood” rotated. “I don’t know whether these screams are of joy or being scared.” I told Chandana. Chandana just shrugged.

We were at Al Hokair Land yesterday.

When the ride stopped everybody on it got off. “ Our turn!” I said in glee. We both climbed on it and pulled down the restraint. Manasi and Chandana were on either side of me. “How was the ride?” I asked Rabia who had already tried the ride and was watching us “It was scary but awesome!” Rabia yelled.  “Your legs will be flying off the seat.” I think me and Chandana would have jumped out if the ride would not have started then. I mean, sometimes scary rides are not really my thing. Chandana felt the same way too.

The ride began to go up then to the right and down fast, Rabia was right. All the 15 girl’s legs were now swing in the air. We started to scream since we all felt like we were about to fall off. I poked my head through the middle of the restraint and tried to pull up my glasses on my nose properly as it kept sliding down.

When it stopped finally, we were all trembling as we got out. Our legs felt shaky too.
We also went on the cable car which was in the shape of a hot air balloon. Linda also joined us this time. A cool breeze rushed in and the three of us enjoyed the ride, pointing and shouting at our friends, trying to catch their attention. The balloon went near the roller coaster too. It took a ride around the whole park slowly.

Then we went on the bumper cars twice and enjoyed it a lot. We also went on a boat ride and the strong current of the water washed our boat along the narrow path. We loved it so much that we went on it 2 times too.

We got KFC as a snack.


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