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Ring, Ring!
The phone rang.
Ring, Ring! Mom picked up the phone.
“Hello Keerthi….. What? …… You will be coming to visit us tonight. …… Splendid!”
This is how our afternoon started. Even though they would only come in the night I asked the same question starting from the afternoon.
“When will Eeshta come?” Eeshta is my best friend. It was her mother who had called my Mom.
At last the time came, me and my parents dressed up and waited for them. I was feeling excited. Soon we saw the light of a car outside our gate. We greeted Eeshta and her family.
Eeshta, me and Eeshta’s younger sister Aashika went out to play.
After dinner they went home quickly, because it was Friday and our Dads had to go to office next day.
School is starting coming Saturday. After one week it will be exams and then holidays in the month of November.
I am starting to get a little nervous because of the exams. I wish November would hurry up and come.
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