Dad's home

I have happy news. Yesterday uncle Biju’s wife aunt Deepa gave birth to a baby boy! I am really excited to see him. But I am also sad that they are in India now. Today I had seen his photos, he is soooo cute!

Now, let me tell you about my Dad’s home at Manakad. Manakad is situated in a town called Thodupozha in my motherland, Kerala.

Manakad has a river too.  And there are lots of trees, different types of flowers, insects and lots of farms.

I like the river most. It is only a 5 minutes walk from our home. The river itself is very outstanding as it seems to have shades of green because of the plants on its banks.

One day on our way to the river we saw a goat, the goat was eating some juicy leaves and it did not look at me even when I tried to give another juicy leaf. It ignored me all the time and soon I had to leave it, chasing another cow. It had the same habits as the goat and I had to leave it too.

Our house is very large. Squirrels could be heard running on the roof and chattering. I, myself has seen chameleons. I believe there are all kinds of animals living there because I had seen an already-shed snake skin in the garden. That frightened me out of my wits.
Anyway, when your car is about to enter the house, there is a narrow path filled with smooth stones, large and small. And on both sides and back of the house there are lots of plants.  

Opposite to our house you can see rubber plantation. Every morning the latex would be taped out of the trees. A coconut shell is fixed to the trees to collect the latex. Afterwards when the coconut shell is full a man comes, scoop the latex out of its shell and put in a bucket. That latex will be made into rubber.

We went there last year because there was granddad’s first death anniversary. All the adults put chairs in the shade of the trees and sat and talked while I played with my younger cousins. All of us drank coffee and lazed here and there.

We spent a few days in Manakkad till it was time for us to go back to Ernakulum and then, back to Riyadh.


  1. Wonderful, keep writing.
    Hope you are reading more and more to get inspired too.
    love & reg


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