Bye Bye, School
Phew! Class 12 exams are finally over, and I'm done with my schooling.
The past few months have been nothing but hectic. Now, I can release that breath I've been holding.
The day after the last exam, we arrived in Heidelberg, Germany. We had lunch at the Vietnamese restaurant we’re extremely fond of, but discovered that the previous chef had left, so the food wasn't as tasteful as it used to be.
Later, Dad left to attend an SAP event where he was to receive an award, while Mom and I went for a walk and made sure to visit the bridge monkey. We aren't the superstitious type, but that doesn't mean we're ready to take a risk.
It was a cold, windy day and we ended up shuffling back to our hotel after a while, thinking about going out later. Despite the weather, I bought a gelato because nothing was going to stop me from getting one.
The rest of the day was rainy, which left us disappointed. We watched raindrops hit the wet cobblestones mournfully from our hotel room window. The streets were mostly empty and illuminated, and the skies were grey.
Bedtime was early since we had to catch our train in Mannheim to Salzburg, Austria.
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