The Disneyland Experience

The exciting Paris tour ends with a final stop at Disneyland!

Fasten your seat-belts, ’cause you are going on the ride of a lifetime!

Let’s go to the Walt Disney Studios Park, where there are only few rides but many theatres. In one theatre they even show you the birth of a character (Hi Mushu!).

Go have a look at Cinemagique, where the characters come to life.

Don’t miss the tram tour where you can see some artifacts from movies, experience an earthquake and see movie sets (Please keep your arms and legs inside the tram at all times).

Scream as much as you can in Monster’s University.

There are more stuff you can go to but the line’s too long so keep moving and reach the Disneyland Park.

Disneyland Park has plenty of rides for you. The famous Sleeping Beauty castle slowly comes in view as you walk in awe.

First let’s introduce you to a ride where you can learn about Pinocchio’s life (No flash photography allowed). Meet Pinocchio, the star of the story (Duh!), his father, who loves him a lot, and the hologram angel who can make him a real boy with a flick of her wand.

Then let’s go on for the Pirates of Caribbean ride (Dad says - Have AAAAHHHHH!!!!! nice time). Warning- Guests may will get splashed.

Next, don’t hesitate to go on a sp-o-o-ky ride at ‘The Phantom Manor’. Bwa ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! (That was the evil laugh).

A relaxing cruise may help you calm down your nerves as you watch the riders at the rollercoaster scream their lungs out.

There are few more things left, but some are for small kids, others are bigger rides.

Have a churro, have one more and then a third (definitely savior of humanity), and take the train to go back to Paris.

We hope you had a lovely time with Janaki Nair: The Disneyland Experience. Come back soon! 


  1. Sounds like so much fun!! I've been to disney world in Florid U.S.A, but it's cool how each country has their own! That should be on my bucket list! To go to every disney world/land in the world!
    Mae :)


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