New Year Resolutions

Well folks! 2016 is nearly over!

Now’s the time everyone has started making their resolutions. I’ve never made a resolution in my life, probably because I know I’ll never keep it.  Besides, James Corden and Meghan Trainor sang pretty accurately- ‘’Resolutions are worthless, we all know that’s why we’re here/ I’ll be the same disappointment I’ve been for the past three years.’’

 ‘’My resolutions for 2017, are to complete the resolutions of 2016, which I should have done in 2015 because I made a promise in 2014 and planned them in 2013’’ explains everyone who makes them in a jiffy.

I haven’t been able to post much this year, since school kept me busy. I’m going to try to catch up next year. 2016 has already been labeled as a depressing year by the world. Hopefully, 2017 will be better.

DPS published its magazine, and all three of the articles I had given made it! Ironically, one of the articles is on blogging where I made a reference to be regular.

It’s so hard to believe how fast time is flying. I’m currently in Riyadh with my parents, for the Christmas and New Year holidays, and I’ll be switching on CNN, early in the morning of 1st January 2017 to see the NY ball drop! Any guesses on who’s performing this time? 


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