New school, new year

These last few days have been so busy! The days are practically flying by.

Global Public School opens its gates to everyone on the 23rd. We came to India because of my parents’ decision to transfer me to a better school. I agreed with them and it was all set.

May 11th was the initial opening day. But the lack of rains and the rising heat made everyone change their minds. The District Collector finally announced that no school in Ernakulam was to open before 22nd, or the school would be fined.

The next day, after the final confirmation of the announcement by the school, it began to rain heavily, and it’s been like that for a few days. Drizzle, rain, pause. Drizzle, rain, pause. The temperature has finally lowered and we don’t need to switch on the air conditioning when we  sleep.

Mom went to Riyadh for a few days and she’s coming back on 25th.


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