Winning the Inter-house Quiz

“And the winner, of the Inter-House quiz competition is……”

 Headmistress ma’am announced into the mike. Our fingers were rapping by themselves on the table. We were getting goose bumps. We could almost hear the drum roll in the distance.

“….Tabuk house!”  ma’am finished.

We all cheered loudly. So did the audience. They clapped like they had been expecting us to be the winners the entire time. Actually, we did know they were guessing that the winners would be us because when ma’am had asked the audience who they thought would win they had all announced “Tabuk!”

I had been chosen for the quiz competition by Rejula ma’am. There were 4 people in each of the four houses, that were, Hijaz, Jizan, Madinah and Tabuk. I was in the house Tabuk along with 3 others for the quiz. We were really excited and as we got off stage and our friends congratulated us.

We had gotten off to a good start. We got points in all the questions of the MCQ round, the Category round, and the “What’s the question? “ round.  We had a lost a few in the Rapid Fire and Audio rounds but other than that everything had been right. We were so happy!

Dad promised me that because of this victory, he would take me out to any of my favorite restaurants. I told him in a very emotional way …

“This is even harder than the quiz. I have a list of too many restaurants..”  

I hope he didn’t get too scared.


  1. I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please visit


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